
It’s finally March and we gardeners try to encourage ourselves that it’s springtime now! Well, a quick reality check assured us today that it’s not quite the case yet! However all the wind and even snow was pleasantly off-set by some lovely sunshine and a brightly blossoming plum tree at Selsley today!

Selsley’s layout has been changing lately. We’ve moved the main path to run down along our hedge, creating longer, less fragmented beds. The longer beds are quite pleasing to the eye too so as soon as it takes shape some photos will follow.

We had a great time on Saturday at the Farmers Market again and got to try out a different location for our stall. We found that we quite enjoy those Saturdays and we’ve been getting a great reception from you folks so we’d like to make it out there more frequently this year..

The lady, who ordered a pear tree on a small rootstock please get in touch if you happen to read this as we lost your details!

Our trees are safely heeled in but all of you who need your trees collected, please do so soon as the first plums have already started breaking bud now!

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